The Resilient Airports Act (H.R. 3059) and the Natural Hazard Resilience for Airports Act (S. 1033) would ensure FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) resources can be used for flood resilience purposes. Specifically, the legislation would expand AIP eligibility criteria, allowing resources for more small and rural airport infrastructure projects that enhance flooding and other natural disaster resilience.
The AIP is a critical source of infrastructure funding for airports nationwide, but it is especially important for smaller and rural airports. Unfortunately, the current program does not consider flood resilience as an eligible use of funding, forcing airport planners to exclude flood reduction measures or neglect such projects entirely. H.R. 3059/S. 1033 would explicitly allow the AIP to provide resources for airports to address flooding issues, reduce the risk of damage from future disasters, and ensure quick resumption of operations following harmful natural disasters.