About Us

Leaders, experts, and advocates working together to drive transformational adaptation

We heard time and again about the need for organized advocacy for national solutions to flooding and sea level rise.

American Flood Coalition Action addresses that need by fighting for fiscally responsible and proactive solutions to flooding and sea level rise.

Our advocacy supports

  • Ballot initiatives

  • Bond measures

  • Public awareness campaigns

  • Policymaker education

  • Strategic communications

  • Policy solutions

Polling results

Ahead of 2022 federal and state elections, AFCA commissioned polling by Echelon Insights about voter perspectives on flooding and resilience solutions, as well as other issues in Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Iowa, with a focus on Republican and Independent audiences. AFCA also commissioned polling by Pollfish, Inc. in South Carolina, with no political identification required.

Echelon Insights polling:


Pollfish polling:


Melissa Roberts, Founder/President

Julie Seger, Director of Policy & Government Relations


Alpine Group, Government Relations Consultants