Providing Resources for Emergency Preparedness and Resilient Enterprises Act (H.R.2966 / S.1370)

The PREPARE Act would reestablish and strengthen the Small Business Administration (SBA)’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation loan program. This program would provide loans of up to $500,000 to shield property, machinery, supplies, and inventory from damage caused by natural hazards. The proposed legislation would specifically instruct SBA to do extensive outreach and offer technical assistance for small […]

Disaster Survivors Fairness Act of 2023 (H.R.1796)

In the wake of major floods, survivors face considerable challenges navigating federal recovery programs from across more than 30 government entities, making it difficult to access support for serious needs such as temporary housing and property repair or replacement. The Disaster Survivors Fairness Act would implement a number of longstanding recommendations to simplify the recovery […]

Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2023 (S.757 / H.R.1670)

The Making Access To Cleanup Happen (MATCH) Act of 2023 would allow communities to begin pre-approved watershed rehabilitation activities promptly after a disaster without forfeiting their eligibility for federal assistance, speeding up the cleanup process and reducing the risk of further flooding. Currently, to maintain eligibility for disaster assistance under the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]

Agriculture Innovation Act of 2023 (S.98)

The Agriculture Innovation Act of 2023 would strengthen agricultural data collection and distribution to connect farmers, ranchers, and foresters with the most effective conservation practices that enhance productivity, profitability, and flood resilience. Improved data would also help U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) technical assistance programs monitor the performance of conservation practices over time, allowing field […]

VA Flood Preparedness Act (H.R.7297)

This bill would provide the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with authority to help local governments cover portions of flood mitigation projects, including those that address the risk of flooding associated with rising sea levels. The bill would also direct the VA to submit a report to Congress on the threat flooding poses to its […]

National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act (S.3531 / H.R.6461)

This bill would establish a Chief Resilience Officer in the White House to coordinate a new, whole-of-government National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy. This strategy would articulate a vision for how the federal government will prepare for the effects of flooding and extreme weather, and ensure policies and resources equitably support historically underserved, frontline communities. […]

Disaster Resiliency Planning Act (S.3510 / H.R.7863)

The bill would require federal agencies to incorporate disaster resilience into real property asset management and investment decisions. Specifically, the Office of Management and Budget would be required to establish guidance to direct all agencies to incorporate risk assessments, such as vulnerability assessments, into such decisions. WHY WE LIKE IT The federal government spends a […]

FEMA Relief Extension Act (H.R.5668)

The FEMA Relief Extension Act would extend federal housing assistance available to individuals and households under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Individual Assistance program, from an 18-month to 24-month period. WHY WE LIKE IT After a flood, it can take months or even years before people can fully assess the extent of damage and utilize […]

Enhancing Military Base Resilience And Conserving Ecosystems through Stormwater Management Act (H.R.5262 / S.3183)

This bill would provide the Department of Defense (DoD) with flexibility to use construction funding to more efficiently manage stormwater and improve flood resilience at military bases. The EMBRACE Act would establish a program at DoD to implement stormwater projects that retrofit buildings, improve defense access roads, and protect their surrounding waterways and ecosystems that […]

Preliminary Damage Assessment Improvement Act of 2021 (H.R. 3709)

This bill would improve and streamline the process for conducting preliminary damage assessments, an important step in the disaster recovery process. H.R. 3709 would establish an advisory panel of emergency management personnel to consider measures that strengthen the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s ability to conduct consistent and timely preliminary damage assessments after disasters strike. These […]